Instructors Courses



Discounts available to members of the BIPDT Courses Registers.

Whether you train just people with companion dogs who want a well-behaved, socially acceptable, dog or whether you train people who want to compete in Obedience, Working Trials, Agility or Field Trials, we have the Course for you.

Instructor Stage 1

For handlers, instructors that are fairly new to the industry, or current instructors wishing to improve their knowledge and skills set.

Instructor Stage 2

You are already instructing a class and wish to expand your knowledge and skills and to introduce new exercises to keep classes interesting.

Graduate Instructor

You are already instructing at a high level and wish to learn new exercises to keep your classes interesting

Advanced Instructor

For the instructor who specialises in one discipline but integrates other diciplines to keep classes interesting.

Instructor Stage 1 and Stage 2  are for the potential or existing instructors who wishes to train owners of pet dogs to companion dog standard but, at the same time, keeping in mind that the owners may wish to move on to compete in Obedience, Working Trials, Agility, Field Trials, Heel work to Music, Rally, etc. at some later date.

The Graduate Instructor and Advanced Instructor levels are for the Graduate Instructor or the Advanced Instructor who not only teach companion dog standard work but also competition work in any of the four disciplines that we offer. A knowledge of the appropriate Kennel Club Rules and Regulations will be necessary at these two levels.

regarding levels, Course content, etc. please contact the Course Registrar.

Use of your Qualification

A condition of coming on the Course is acceptance of the guidelines, laid down by the Institute’s Governors, as to the manner in which you may use any qualifications gained on personal or company stationery. You may only use the form of words as specified by the Governors.

You cannot use wording such as ‘fully qualified with BIPDT’. Strict adherence to the prescribed working is necessary. Incorrect usage will result in action being taken by the Institute.


You will be offered the opportunity to apply to be added to our Course Register. For further information regarding our Course Register, please see the Membership page.

Having consolidated what you have learnt on our Course you will need to consider coming back to gain a Certificate at a higher level. Having already attended one Course, you know what to expect regarding Course content for the next level but don’t rush back too quickly, give yourself time to gain more experience in instructing. The Course Instructors will be delighted to see you back on the Course.


I would highly recommend this Course to all. You cannot fail to add to your existing skills and the wealth of knowledge on offer. You will go back a better trainer.

After trawling the internet one evening I came across the BIPDT web-site and thought that this could be for me. Not knowing a sole I arrived in Shropshire and quickly realised I did not know nearly as much as I thought I did, I quickly settled in and found new friends who felt the same as me. Here I am, now looking forward to going back for a third year after obtaining my Assistant Instructor Certificate with Honours and an Instructor Certificate. I cannot explain the immense proudness I feel for my achievements.

Excellent Course, requires basic knowledge of how to train a handler (not a dog). Instructors have a great knack of getting the best out of you. Venue, accommodation and food excellent, you will put on a few kilos from the excellent food, but don’t worry, you will lose it the next day in the field! Sense of humour is essential. If you have not done a BIPDT in recent years, you have not lived.

I am very lucky that not only have I been a student on the Instructor’s Course but also a Judge and a Course Instructor – so have experienced the Course from all angles. I personally highly recommend the Course to anyone wanting to become a dog training instructor.

I’ve added to my practical experience and learned that there is more than one way to achieve the same result; adapting to the different needs of each dog and handler and breaking the learning into small stages, rather than rushing to the end result. Most importantly, I’ve learned that dog training is a diverse field and that I’m always going to be learning and developing. It was hard work and tiring but I was really pleased to have completed the Course and to have gained an Assistant Instructor Certificate.

Gives you the opportunity to meet likeminded people that are interested in raising the profile of dog training across all disciplines. It is a comprehensive week, with theoretical lessons and practical workshops to help you develop your own skills and meet your personal goals.

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