Frequently asked questions

Q, How do I find out about security courses in my area ?

A, To find out information on security courses and becoming a security dog handler please contact your area assessor. They will be able to give you all the information you require and answer any questions you may have.

Q, How do I apply for a security handbook ?

A, To obtain a copy of the level 1 & 2 handbook please send a cheque or postal order for £6 payable to BIPDT to The Security Registrar, The Harrow, Tumbril Lane, Brockdish, Norfolk. IP21 4JU. Please remember to enclose your return address.

Q, How do I apply for a test application form?

A, To obtain a BIPDT security dog handlers test application form please send a cheque for £20 payable to BIPDT to The Security Registrar at The Harrow, Tumbril Lane, Brockdish, Norfolk. IP21 4JU. Please remember to enclose your return address.

Q, How do I become a Sercurity dog assessor?

A,To apply for such a position you need to have been a paid up Full member of the institute for at least one year, to own or have access to suitable testing facilities, to be able to cover an area that is not currently covered by an assessor.

Once all of the above are in place you would need to apply to the Security registrar Helen Withey (contact details are on the contact us page) in writing expressing your wish to be an Assessor, that would then be put before the Board of Governors to be accepted in principle. If accepted by the board you would then be invited to an assessors testing day for final approval.

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